Day Surgery

  • Day surgery with local or general anesthesia. General anesthesia is managed perioperatively by an anesthesiologist.

In plastic surgery, most of the subcutaneous skin tumors such as epidermal cysts, lipomas and ptosis treatments are often performed under local anesthesia.

In our clinic, rhinoplasty, cosmetic nose surgery and facelift surgery are performed under general anesthesia.

All of these surgeries can be performed on a daily basis.

Advances in surgical techniques, surgical equipment and anesthesia devices and the development of new anesthetics have reduced the burden on the patient's body,

This is due to the fact that surgeries can now be performed with less risk of postoperative bleeding and pain.

In general anesthesia, in addition to these advances, collaboration between anesthesiologists and surgeons has made it possible to perform day surgery with greater safety in mind.

  • Advantages of Day Surgery

  • Early return to daily life

    No hospitalization allows for an early return to work or studies

  • Reduction of hospitalization costs

    Day surgery can reduce the patient's cost burden by eliminating hospitalization.

  • Safe general anesthesia
    Perioperative management by an anesthesiologist ensures safe general anesthesia surgery.

Day Surgery Procedures

1Preliminary consultation

The doctor will evaluate the indications for surgery and explain the details of the surgery and the precautions to be taken before and after the surgery.

If the doctor diagnoses that a day surgery is difficult due to underlying diseases or medical history, the patient may be referred to a university hospital or other medical institution.


Blood test, EKG, X-rays and other tests necessary for surgery will be performed.


Depending on the treatment, local or general anesthesia is selected from the preliminary medical examination and surgery is performed.

4Postoperative follow-up

Patients will rest in the surgery room or recovery room. After the patient's condition is stabilized, he/she can go home.

5Returning Visits

Periodic post-operative visits are required to check the condition of the affected area, removal of stitches and to check post-operative progress.

6End of treatment

If the patient's progress is satisfactory and there are no problems, the treatment will be completed.

Precautions for Surgery


After vaccination, general anesthesia will not be administered at our clinic during the following periods in consideration of the possibility of adverse reactions to the vaccine.

  • The period during which general anesthesia cannot be administered after vaccination:
    ・Inactivated vaccine: 2weeks
    ・Live vaccine: 3weeks
    ・Vaccine against coronavirus: 3weeks

Birth-control pills

Patients on the pill are asked to take a month off the pill before surgery due to the risk of thrombosis.

Cold and common cold symptoms

If you have a fever over 38degrees celsius or upper respiratory symptoms such as cough or runny nose on the day of surgery, we may have to postpone the surgery. Please take care of yourself once the surgery date has been decided.


General anesthesia may induce bronchospasm or asthma attacks due to the stimulation of tracheal intubation. Patients with active asthma may experience postoperative respiratory failure, which may be life-threatening. Patients with severe asthma symptoms are treated and general anesthesia is used after symptoms have subsided.


Smoking increases sputum production and swelling of the throat and airways, and carries the risk of asthma and pneumonia. There is a risk of infection and difficulty in wound healing after surgery. We instruct patients to quit smoking for 2 weeks before surgery and at least 1 month after surgery.

on the day of surgery

アPlease remove all metal jewelry and other metal items due to the risk of burns. Nail polish should be removed before the surgery as it may interfere with monitoring during the surgery. Patients who wear contact lenses on a daily basis should bring their glasses on the day of surgery. We will give you instructions on how long you should not eat or drink before the surgery, and we ask that you adhere to these instructions.

About the
High-Cost Medical Expense Benefit

The High-Cost Medical Expense Benefit is a national system under which if medical expenses for a month (from the 1st to the end of the month) exceed a certain amount, the excess amount will be reimbursed. By using this system, patients can receive treatment with peace of mind even when high medical expenses are incurred. The amount a patient must pay varies depending on his/her annual income, age, and other factors. If you would like to know your maximum amount, you can inquire at the health insurance association listed on your health insurance card (or your local government for those with national health insurance). A detailed explanation of the system can also be found on the Internet at the link below.